Jill A. Sherwood
I have a vast amount of experiences through which I developed an excellent knowledge and skill base in GIS, ecological research, grant writing, and project management that would benefit any organization. During my over 10 year career in GIS, I have been a part of projects ranging from the analysis of basin morphometry of Iowa wetlands to the design and creation of a City’s GIS.
M.S., Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology
Iowa State University
Ames, IA
2013 - 2009
- Thesis: “Effects of experimentally reduced snowpack and passive warming on montane meadow plant phenology and floral warming on montane meadow plant phenology and floral resources resources”
M.S., Genetics
Iowa State University
Ames, IA
2001 - 2000
- Thesis: “An Examination of Reproductive Phenology with Implications for Understanding Climate Change Effects”
B.S. with Honors, Exercise Science
Ball State University
Muncie, IN
1995 - 1991
Professional Experience
Geospatial Data Analyst
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ
Present - 2018
- Responsible for the collection, processing, documentation (metadata), analysis, and curation of the thousands of geospatial datasets and other digital assets made available through the Map and Geospatial Hub.
- Technical lead on geospatial projects
- Created an online platform in ArcGIS Hub to make geospatial more easily accessible to a wider audience.
HDMS Data Specialist
Arizona Game and Fish Department
Phoenix, AZ
2018 - 2017
- Maintained species occurrence data for Arizona’s threatened and endangered species in a web-enabled platform for tabular and spatial data management.
- Managed invasive species geospatial and tabular data for the State of Arizona.
GIS Coordinator
City of Eloy, AZ
Eloy, AZ
- Implemented GIS in the city of Eloy. Conducted interviews for GIS needs assessment, and identified spatial data needs within the city. Designed geodatabase feature classes and data dictionaries.
- Created, converted, and refined City’s utility system using information from paper plans, digital files, and field collected GPS locations.
- Maintained information in an Enterprise geodatabase versioned environment to update features, as needed.
Environmental Scientist
RMT, Inc. (formally MHA Environmental Consulting, Inc.)
San Mateo, CA
2007 - 2006
- Edited and wrote environmental documents to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
- Assisted with GIS analysis and map production for environmental documents.
Research Associate II
University of California San Francisco
San Francisco, CA
2006 - 2002
- Analyzed tissue samples in genetic and cellular experiments to understand and identify genetic pathways of tumor angiogenesis.
Research Experience
Graduate Research Assistant
GIS Support and Research Facility
Iowa State University
2013 - 2009
- Provided university and community-wide GIS research assistance and collaborated on a variety of GIS projects.
Graduate Research Assistant
Debinski Laboratory
Iowa State University
2013 - 2009
- Designed and implemented a study to assess the effects of nighttime warming and snowpack on a butterfly population and associated host and nectar plants in Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming.
Selected Publications, Posters, and Talks
Experimentally Simulating Warming and Snow Loss in a Mountain Meadow Ecosystem
International Association for Landscape Ecology World Congress - Milan, Italy
- Presentation. Authored with Diane Debinski, Petruta Caragea and Matthew Germino
Experimentally simulating climate change in a montane meadow system via reduced snowpack and passive warming: soil and plant responses.
- Authored with Diane Debinski, Petruta Fahrenholtz and Matthew Germino
Summary of an Ongoing Population Study of Parnassius ClodiusButterflies
Yellowstone Ecosystem Report
- Authored with Diane Debinski
Experimentally Simulating Climate Change Effects on Trophic Interactions in Montane Meadow Systems.
Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference - Des Moines, IA
- Authored with Diane Debinski and Matthew Germino
An Examination of Interannual Population Variation in Parnassius Clodius Butterflies
University of Wyoming National Park Service Research Center Annual Report
- Authored with Diane Debinski
Testing the Effects of Simulated Climate Change Effects Using Open Sided Warming Chambers
University of Wyoming National Park Service Research Center Annual Report
- Authored with Diane Debinski and Matthew Germino
An Examination of Reproductive Phenology with Implications for Understanding Climate Change Effects
Grand Teton National Park Report
- Authored with Diane Debinski
Selected Grants
Graduate Student Travel Assistance Grant For Field Research
Graduate Student Travel Assistance Grant For Field Research
The Center for Global and Regional Environmental Research, University of Iowa
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Departmental Grant
The Center for Global and Regional Environmental Research, University of Iowa
Seed Grant
The Center for Global and Regional Environmental Research, University of Iowa
Grant A. Harris Research Instrumentation Fellowship
Decagon Devices, Inc.
Joan Mosenthal DeWind Award
Xerces Society
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Departmental Grant
Iowa State University